Lazio vs Atalanta

Lazio vs Atalanta

The match of Lazio vs Atalanta will be played at 11:35 on September 30th, 2020 in Pacific time zone. The Asian handicap for this game is Lazio 0.0, GOALLINE 3.0, and corner kick 9.5. Prior to this, Lazio and Atlanta had a total of 3 big goals and 3 big corners in 13 historical confrontations between Lazio and Atlanta. Among them, Lazio scored 1 win, 1 draw and 3 losses, scoring a total of 8 goals, and was scored 10 times by Atlanta.


In the most recent 15 games, Lazio scored 8 wins, 5 losses and 2 draws. In total, 22 goals were scored, 17 goals were conceded, 1.5 goals per game, and 1.1 goals per game were averaged. Among them, the GOAL OVER probability is 57%, the Asian handicap win rate is 17%, and the winning rate is 53%; the average corner kick is 6.5, and the big corner rate is 38%.

Atlanta has scored 10 wins, 2 losses and 3 draws in its last 15 games. In total, 33 goals were scored, 18 goals conceded, 2.2 goals per game and 1.2 goals per game were averaged. Among them, the GOAL OVER probability is 63%, the Asian handicap win rate is 40%, and the winning rate is 67%; the average corner kick is 5.6, and the CORNER OVER probability is 27%.




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